
If you receive an error message when attempting to check out, it’s likely for one the following reasons. Our Support team are here to help, you can contact us with your order number via.

Payment error

It is possible that our payment processor, was unable to process your card successfully. This may have happened because your credit card company blocked the payment, or your credit card has insufficient funds at this time.

To complete your purchase, please either try a new card, or contact your credit card company and try again.

Shipping error

While most of our gallery partners are able to facilitate shipping worldwide, certain artworks may be opted in for shipping to select locations only. Collectors can confirm a work’s location and shipping availability on the artwork page.

If a gallery doesn’t have a shipping fee listed for your location, get in touch with our team at  We’ll get a quote for you.

Technical issues

Please note that for the best experience, we suggest setting Google Chrome as your web browser. is optimized for the desktop version of Google Chrome.

If you encounter an error message on the LocalArt website, we recommend the following steps:


If you see an error message on the LocalArt app for iOS or Android, please see our guide with: Troubleshooting Steps for LocalArt’s Mobile App

If you’re still experiencing issues, please contact our order specialists at


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