23.6 x 33 in | 60 x 84 cm
Oil on Canvas
Excellent condition.
Chia Chor Hua
Chia Chor Hua is visual artist from Singapore, he has developed a very unique technique thru bold and long brush strokes and matching colours to emphasize its interconnectivity, values and perspectives. The themes and topics of his art pieces are usually associated with traditions, beliefs and daily activities. Progressively he has admirers who attend to his exhibitions and collect his artworks. He has successfully exhibited his artworks in Singapore, Indonesia, USA, China, Philippine.
He hopes his artworks will inspire and encourage people to be focus in chasing after their dreams. He also believes that art can bring unity, happiness, joy, self-confidence and harmony regardless of its outcome, look and presentation. Art can be explored and better understood with open mind and perception. Art is universal with unending journey to pursue for beauty, desired perfection and outcome.
Local and International Awards:
2017: Top 5 artist online competition (
2019: International Prize Artist of the Year 2019 (Mantua, Italy)
2019: International Prize Michelangelo (Rome, Italy)
2019: The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists (Rome, Italy)
2019: Art Museum Selection (Rome, Italy)
2019: International Prize QIOTTO (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019: International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci (Italy)
Oil on canvas
60 x 84 cm
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